Canopy Lookup 2.0a

Finished with this tool. Got a good feel for developing and customizing visuals using streamlit. It’s a pretty efficient and easy way to create simple apps.

It is fantastic to have access to matplotlib. It became obvious that is not the best solution for interactive graphs tool as it is horrendously slow – and I am an extraordinary impatient man. Looks matter, so I’ll continue to use it 😉

StreamlitCloud App:

Github Repo:


  • Use expanders and CSS code to make it look pretty
  • Change default colors using .streamlit/config.toml
  • Render data using dataframes + statistics
  • Name + version

What did I learn about WLs?

  • That there are two distinct ways of determining recommendations and minimum canopysize; either by jumps (Brian=Sweden, Norway) or exitWeight (French, British)
  • Most account for higher canopy performance for smaller sizes with respect to equal WL at bigger versions. (There is no quantifiable numbers behind this as far as I know).
  • None account for currency or planform/WL experience but incorporate this in respective handbooks/regulations.

Future work

  • It would be interesting to look at these numbers with respect to incident reports
  • Expand number of countries.
  • Cleanup folders/code

Maybe later, maybe never. This would require some external interests. Or they could just fork the project 😉

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