Patent XRay Dashboard App

This has been an idea for quite some time, built step by step. Analyzing the resulting patent database from the crawler is hard work. It’s even worse to share this information as many smaller details as which information to use can easily be manipulated (or misunderstood) to paint a false image of what’s going on.

Which is why I bring you; the tools to analyze and compare different databases.

What is it

Patent XRay is a tool where you simply select a patent database, create a “filter”. From this you get some graphs and a downloadable CSV file. Code is open-source under the MIT 2.0 license.

Example Use Cases

  1. Look-up specific patents: Under the Dataframe tab you can lookup a specific patentCode to see if it exists in the database. If yes, then you get to see the score and all the keywords accociated with said patent. Use codes like: CN113113836A and click enter to find information.
  2. Find most relevant patents: Use default values to find the most interesting patents to read and companies to investigate.
  3. Use ‘Assignee’ under advanced settings to isolate patents from f.ex Sunny and Truly by using ‘Sunny Truly’ patents. NB: All names are capitalized!

Future work

A project is never done.

  • Automated Crawler runs and primitive CD solution on a weekly-basis
  • Make it possible to download a full report
  • Re-factor some code (for beauty and performance!)
  • Clickable links in the dataframe viewer (seems hard!)

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